Saturday, February 3, 2007

Trip to the Local LDS

I had to put the server stuff on hold.

I had ordered microfilm from Salt Lake and it arrived last Wednesday. Thursday night and Saturday are the only time I can go to the library without taking time off from work. It was very fruitful as I was able to break one of my brick walls. I have not been able to find my great-grandfather Ernst Myers prior to his marriage in 1872. But, the marriage record from the church in Toledo, Ohio said he was born in Lintorf, Hannover. So I ordered the film from Lintorf. There are actually three films from this church, but, I only rented the one that I could predict he was on.

He was there, and all his brothers and sisters. It's amazing the name changes that went on. I also found his parents and their parents. I'm back into the late 1700's.

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