Monday, January 29, 2007


The following posts are over several days. The cable to our cable modem had been eaten by squirrels (that's what the repairman said, honest).

I got my first comment. I will take a look at Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian the next time I go to the library. It is recommended by in the help screen of PAF (my software of choice) and I have been using Family History Documentation Guidelines 2nd Ed. by the Silicon Valley PAF Users Group. I like this book because it has tons of examples and it is PAF specific. My main lament was that I was goofing and not concentrating on my main goal which is....

My number one goal is to have a website up by the end of February. I have selected the software and am trying to prep for it.

This is probably an unnecessary step, but I want to setup my PC to have MySQL, PHP and Apache. This is for the TNG software. I would like to get it up and running prior to getting a server service. I am having trouble getting MySQL to configure on a reinstall. I'm going to start again, clean the register and see if I can't get a clean install.

Well that worked, that is, I un-installed the new version, deleted the left over files in the 'Program Files' directory, ran CCLEANER to pick off the most obvious registry problems. Then, just to be safe, I burned MySQL folders off the registry with regedit. Re-installed it, and re-configured it. The only tough part is the book I'm using is for 4.0.x and I'm on 5.0.27. But, I'm done with that and installed Apache HTTP. So for tomorrow, it's HTTP and PHP.

I don't mind this too much, but I do this kind of stuff all day at work only to do it at home, oh well.

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