First: Digital or Not Digital?
- Digital
- Save using "My File Naming Convention"*
- Copy to "Document Holding Area" folder
- Paper, photo or other goes into the "To Be Scanned" Folder in the file cabinet
- Digitize
- Save using "My File Naming Convention"* into "Document Holding Area"
Fourth: When there are a number of files in the "Entered in PAF" folder, it will act as a signal for further action. This will be the point in time to copy the files to their final folders (see step 5), the off-site location, to Legacy and the website.
Fifth: Hard copies go into the file cabinet by type of document, electronic file folders correspond to this convention under the "Genealogy Records" file folder. They will be filed under the following titles:
- Adoption
- Baptism
- Birth
- Burial
- Cemetery Records
- Funeral Memorial Cards
- Census
- Census US Year
- Census British Year
- Church
- Confirmation
- Correspondence
- Cremation
- Death
- DB
- Certificates
- Directories
- Divorce
- Education
- Emigration
- Travel papers
- Estate Probate
- Histories
- Immigration
- DB
- Manifests {Ellis Island, Castle Gardens, New York}
- Land Records
- Living People
- Marriage
- Military
- Naturalization
- Obituary
- DB
- Newspaper Copies
- Occupation
- Other Researchers' Documents
- Gedcom Files
- Reports
- Books
- Probate {Not Birth, Marriage or Wills}
- Religion See Church
- Residence See Land
- Social Security
- Wills
There is one more major folder for generated reports, gedcoms and charts. This is to keep track of what I send out to other researchers.
I'm going to give this a try and see if this doesn't help me keep it together. I hope I just need to tweak it from here.
* My File Naming Convention:
- Given & Middle
- Type of Document
- {Optional} year