Monday, January 29, 2007


The following posts are over several days. The cable to our cable modem had been eaten by squirrels (that's what the repairman said, honest).

I got my first comment. I will take a look at Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian the next time I go to the library. It is recommended by in the help screen of PAF (my software of choice) and I have been using Family History Documentation Guidelines 2nd Ed. by the Silicon Valley PAF Users Group. I like this book because it has tons of examples and it is PAF specific. My main lament was that I was goofing and not concentrating on my main goal which is....

My number one goal is to have a website up by the end of February. I have selected the software and am trying to prep for it.

This is probably an unnecessary step, but I want to setup my PC to have MySQL, PHP and Apache. This is for the TNG software. I would like to get it up and running prior to getting a server service. I am having trouble getting MySQL to configure on a reinstall. I'm going to start again, clean the register and see if I can't get a clean install.

Well that worked, that is, I un-installed the new version, deleted the left over files in the 'Program Files' directory, ran CCLEANER to pick off the most obvious registry problems. Then, just to be safe, I burned MySQL folders off the registry with regedit. Re-installed it, and re-configured it. The only tough part is the book I'm using is for 4.0.x and I'm on 5.0.27. But, I'm done with that and installed Apache HTTP. So for tomorrow, it's HTTP and PHP.

I don't mind this too much, but I do this kind of stuff all day at work only to do it at home, oh well.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Next Generation Web Software

I talked to Brit Baubie (brother of my boss) and he said that TNG was easy to use. He also gave me good advice on research for Michigan. I still have issues with the JungleDisk's diacritical folder name problem. Hopefully, they will fix that.

Before I take the TNG plunge, I need to setup MySQL, PHP and an Apache server on my machine.

Next topic: I found death certificate info for Ohio on There's a gap from 1944 - 1958, but I'm finding stuff I've been missing. I need to rethink the sourcing on this. I can't use the vital, because this is from I'm flailing again. Got to go back to to do log.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

JungleDisk from Amazon

Problems abound. It took 12 hours to upload 808M of data, with error messages all over the place. Disconnect, 404, folder not found. The good news, it only cost me 17 cents. But I need something reliable. Also, when it tries to copy a folder with an umlaut in the name, it can't build the folder on the server side. I've written the message boards. Let's see how my "information" is treated.

On another topic...I've been wanting to start my own web site. I've looked at "The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding" software, and have contacted Brit Baubie about his experience with it. Once I have enough information, I'm going to have some sort of site...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Getting Organized 1/23/2007

The following was written yesterday, but the server was done. This does not bode well...

I've put tasks in my PDA. Yet, I want to go on to GoogleEarth and see if I can pick out my Great-Great-Grandfather's farm. I did that, it's funny, the land looks like it's divided the same way it was in the 1860 Landowner Atlas!

I'm ready for the LDS microfilm for Lintorf, Germany.

I still need to find a backup site for my data. I've decided on using Amazon's S3 backup at 15 cents a gig a month and 20 cents a gig a transfer. Now after signing up, I may be over my head. There's a lot to read...

Continuing from yesterday...

OK, come to find out I have very little to do, becuase a product called JungleDisk will manage this S3 account for me. So wish me luck.

Monday, January 22, 2007

First Posting

I wanted to create a Genealogy Journal using a database. But after goofing around with database app, I discovered that the product was not ready for prime time. I said "OK, I'm thinking old school." So I'm trying to use a blogger to keep track of my research progress.

I keep forgetting if I've researched something already or what I would like to do next. Also, what was my thinking at the time? When did I have that ah-ha moment.

I'll backup a little, because I did have an ah-ha moment last Friday the 19Th. After looking up my Great-Great-grandfather J. Andreas Heinrich Schroeder in the Federal Census, (who should have been located in Sandusky County, Ohio in 1860) I've come to the conclusion that the enumerator could not understand German immigrants or was just disorganized.

The ages were correct for the family. The names were right for the parents, and even the fact that the parents and the first born child were born in Germany. But then the problem starts where the 5 children's names are mixed up on the list as to who's age is who's. And there's a child's name of Aaron who I believe should have been Ernst (sounds like?). But once I could confirm that they lived just west of Hessville in Washington Township, I new I had a match with one of the children, my great-grandmother. On here death certificate filled out by her husband, he said she was born in Hessville. And she would have been 5 years old in the 1860 Census. I was also able to match up their location on an 1860 landowner atlas from Sundusky Co. Kin Hunters.

I want to prep for a LDS session on another family: Myers or Meyer. I've had a hard time finding them prior to when Fred Myers was married in 1871 in Toledo, Ohio.

I'm going to look for a place to backup my history data. That's all I need is to lose that!